Sunday 28 February 2016


It’s a nutrient-rich biomass-phytocomplex/resin-mineral/herb deposit, found mostly in the Himalayas and possess the ability to carry nutrition into our body. Its Indian word means “rock-invincible” and was renowned for its remarkable health benefits. As a matter of fact it’s a rock-like substance when dried,  and is found in mountainous regions in Asia. In Ayurveda, it’s regarded as the strongest age fighting and rejuvenating component of the earth.

This material has great detoxification and energy producing benefits. So it can be used with any other kind of supplement to enhance potency and efficacy. It has of course properties of its own: restore energy, increase fertility, enhance immunity, reduce inflammation, improve cognitive decline and memory. Besides being an adaptogen (a substance that helps the body adapt to stressors), if you prefer a natural stress-fighting. It’s a sticky, tar-like resin and takes thousands of years to form.

Here are the facts: it’s consumed in Nepal (best quality), Northern India and Pakistan, in various forms. ALL people using it are renowned for extremely old age and great health: they have remarkable mental function as they age compared to Western countries and rarely have age-related disease in these regions. Think that Sherpan regions are located right in those areas, not by accident! It actually formed millions of years ago in the Australian mountains as well, although that quality is lower (anyway it must be said there are no official classifications). It contains 85 minerals. Most of them contain 60-80% fulvic acid. The greater the content of fulvic acid, the more anti-aging properties the compound contains. Fulvic acid is water soluble, moves through our system very quickly and acts as a very powerful antioxidant, more than noni or blueberries (ORAC reference: almost 500 Trolox units/g of organic material).

How does it work exactly? Shilajit restores the production of the body primary source of energy: ATP (adenosine triphosphate), our usable energy which is formed when mitochondria convert energy from the food we eat. Mitochondria are organelles responsible for such conversion of food into chemical energy. They are our power plants, which gradually function less efficiently with time, working harder and harder to produce the same amount of energy our body needs. Deteriorating, they lead to a decrease in vitality (less production of ATP). Our bodies face an energy crisis as we age: Shilajit helps by enhancing mitochondrial health with an administration of nutrients (that boost ATP production and reduces mitochondrial damage). Aging mitochondria and low energy are associated with accelerated aging of the brain and heart mainly, plus all other organs.

Mitochondrial aging deteriorates our nervous system. Its low energy production is both a cause and a consequence of memory loss and neurodegenerative diseases. One of the main substances in shilajit, the fulvic acid, appears to inhibits the evolution of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Other nutritive substances are triterpenes and humic acid. It might not be a cure for all weaknesses from skin problems to aging problems, as stated in many websites, but is certainly recommended by everyone who personally tried it.

….Always humble,


(For more health supplements and extras, kindly visit: What do you lack?   )

Sunday 21 February 2016

The benefits of garlic

It’s native to Central Asia and has been grown for 5000 years. Garlic is a member of the Lily family and is cousin to onions, leeks and chives. Elephant garlic though has larger cloves and is more related to the leek, therefore doesn’t offer the full health benefits of the regular size one. Generally speaking size is not related at all to better quality.

Natural remedies and natural therapies are always the best way to cure a disease, unless of course it’s already so advanced that requires a medical intervention. Therefore the sooner you start using natural remedies, the better.

One powerful remedy is certainly garlic. There are literally dozens of sulphur molecules in garlic and all of them have been shown to function as antioxidant. Many also provide us with anti-inflammatory benefits. Its antibacterial content is identified as allicin, the most abundant organosulfurous compound. Its antioxidant capacity is mostly due to polyphenolic compounds. Its antimicrobial and antifungal activity as well is related to the high level of polyphenols content.

Its sulphur-containing compounds are responsible for garlic’s characteristic, pungent odour.  But they are also the source of many of its health-promoting effects. Sulphur itself is also a key part of our health. Cardiovascular benefits of garlic are: lowering of cholesterol level, triglyceride reduction, blood vessels protection from inflammatory and oxidative stress. A very unique cardiovascular protection of garlic is to help prevent clots from forming inside of our blood vessels, thanks to one particular disulphide present in it, called ajoene. Ajoene has repeatedly been shown to have anti-clotting properties: it can help prevent certain cells in our blood (called platelets) from becoming too sticky and by keeping this stickiness in check, it lowers the risk of our platelets clumping together and forming a clot.

Sulphur-containing molecules are called polysulphides: once they are in our blood cells, control our blood pressure by triggering dilation of our blood vessels. And when the space inside our blood vessels expands, our blood pressure get reduced.

Preliminary studies are showing that thanks to a sulphur compound present in garlic, fat cells cannot become fully themselves from a preliminary stage called “preadipocytes”, to a final stage called “adipocytes”. This conversion of preadipocytes to adipocytes appears to be blocked: it’s particularly important because once adipocytes are fully formed, they can only reduce their size but will never disappear again (meaning it will be much easier to regain weight after a diet). Women will be interested to know that ajoene has also been successfully used to help prevent infections with the yeast Candida albicans. Let’s not forget that garlic has important anti-cancer properties. High intake of garlic have been found to lower risk of virtually all cancer types, except cancer of the prostate and breast cancer (sorry).

In order to obtain maximum flavour and nutritional benefits, always purchase only fresh garlic. Any other form (flake, powder, paste) has less health properties. It must also be plump and have unbroken skin. Avoid garlic that is soft or moldy. It’s absolutely not necessary to freeze or refrigerate it for proper storage.

….Always humble,


(For more health supplements and extras, kindly visit: What do you lack? )

Saturday 13 February 2016

Aging of immune system

Young people have a vigorous immune system that constantly check and fight potential diseases. Wherefore as we age past 60 years a marked decline in our immune system affects all the relative functions. It’s an accelerated aging also known as immune senescence, causing the lost of the ability to defend against cancers and infections, because of more and more failing immune cells. We all have three barriers against cancers, bacteria, viruses and infections, which are heavily affected by our natural aging:

Reduction of bone morrow production (the main fabric of our immune cells), which stops making fresh immune system cells, in terms of size and composition. Such reduction in stem cells activity leaves us with reduced numbers of ALL the circulating cell lines. 

Reduction in potency of immune cells (because they’ve lost the ability to constantly, perfectly, totally renovate): the remaining ones are always strained. Such cells are important because prevent serious infections, keeping a constant patrol out for emerging cancers and boosting immunity after a vaccine.

Reduction in the production of cytokines (protein molecules secreted by cells in order to fix the immune system, notifying their various components of a need for attack or cleaning up an infection or repair damaged tissue, etc.), less effective in regulating excessive inflammation (therefore leading to destruction of neurons, joints and endothelium, increased frailty, more exposure to infections).

The good news is that we can partially intervene to reverse the process in favour of each of the above three barriers of defence. Of course you already know a wide variety of supplements, vitamins and minerals to help. But consider these three in particular: Pu-erh tea, Reishi mushrooms and Cistanche. All of them with a milleniums-old history of improving health and longevity. In details:

Pu-erh Tea Extract – derived from fermented, ripened leaves of Camellia sinensis. It stimulates bone marrow activity and enhance the constituents of the circulating immune cells. It also lowers inflammatory levels of cytokines. It’s distinguished from other types of teas by the degree of fermentation, because is a post-fermented tea. Or a ripened tea, if you like. This natural microbial fermentation enhances the availability of beneficial molecules.

Reishi mushroom extract - has a very broad-spectrum immune system coverage, e.g. protecting against herpes simplex, influenza viruses, hepatitis B virus, cancer and even HIV. Thanks to an increased circulation of white blood cells while enhancing antibody-producing cells, stimulating activity of cells that devour bacteria and guide them to their targets.  

Cistanche – is a desert plant commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its extracts have the same benefits of Pu-erh tea and Reishi mushroom: boosting the numbers of circulating white blood cells (such as macrophages) and increasing T cells (which are involved in recognizing new threats and remembering old threats to our health). It stimulates production of bone marrow as well.

Growing older is associated with more health threats, but nowadays more than ever we have increasing powerful weapons to partially reverse the aging immune senescence.     

….Always humble,


(For more supplements and extras, please kindly visit: What do you lack?)

Saturday 6 February 2016

Telomeres (following)

As promised I’m now going to write about the most telomere-friendly foods, dividing them more or less in half, being in total twenty. Ready? Here we go:

Blueberries - One of the best source of antioxidants. They improve blood flow (benefitting your brain and your heart), fight cholesterol (containing pterostilbene), memory loss and diabetes. A mere half-cup serving has as much antioxidant power as five servings of other fruits and vegetables.

Grapefruit - In particular red grapefruit significantly decreases cholesterol and fight heart disease. It enhances every other health properties of different fruits if eaten together: even accelerating the effects of some prescription drugs. So check with your doctor. This is a very powerful fruit. 

Almonds – A true superfood. A fantastic source of protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc. High in vitamin E and monounsaturated fats to keep your arteries supple.

Apples – They contain quercetin (I dedicated a whole post to this), which prevents oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol lowering the risk of damage to arteries and the risk of heart disease. They also contain pectin, also lowering the levels of blood cholesterol.

Avocados – The best fruit for a healthy heart. Rich in monounsaturated fats, fiber, vitamin E, folic acid and potassium. Most of all the first source of beta-sitosterol (reducing cholesterol) and lutein (an antioxidant that prevents cataracts and prostate cancer).

Beets – With high levels of carotenoids and flavonoids, they reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and one of the richest sources of folic acid. The silica helps the body utilize calcium reducing the risk of osteoporosis. They also have cleansing and detoxifying properties.

Broccoli – In this vegetable there are two powerful anticancer substances: sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol. Sulforaphane destroys ingested carcinogenic compounds and kills the bacteria helicobacter pylori which cause stomach ulcers and gastric cancers. Indole-3-carbinol metabolizes estrogen, protecting against breast cancer. It’s also a good source of beta-carotene and potassium.

Sweet potatoes – A sweet potato is a meal in itself: full of protein, fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin E. Unlike white potatoes they won’t send your blood sugar soaring.

Garlic – Most probably the cancer fighting number one. It has the ability to prevent development of cancers of the breast, colon, skin, prostate, stomach and oesophagus. It stimulates the immune system by encouraging the growth of natural killer cells. It’s also able to destroy the newer super bugs that are resistant to the most powerful antibiotics.

Olive oil – Full of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. It doesn’t even need to be presented: the secret of the Mediterranean diet itself.

Oranges – Its main flavonoid is hesperetin, which lower rates of heart disease. Hesperetin helps protect against inflammation as well. Oranges are a rich source  of pectin, which lowers cholesterol, and potassium which reduces blood pressure. They are also a rich source of folic acid, which lowers levels of homocysteine.

Wild salmon – It provides an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Here’s the main benefit: high levels of omega-3s have been correlated with telomeres length. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE USE OF FISH OIL SUPPLEMENTS.

There are more telomere-friendly foods. I’ll surely talk about them in a future post. I hope you’re liking all the posts I’m dedicating to this particular topic. You can find them all in the “Telomeres” section.

….Always humble,


(To be followed)

(For more supplements and extras, please kindly visit: What do you lack?)