Monday 23 November 2015

A small guide to supplements

Be very careful when you buy supplements: they are not all the same. At all!

The following guidelines are applicable to all kind of supplements you’re going to use. Treasure it.

Buy products with only the highest quality ingredients. Maybe you’ll pay more for them (not necessarily), but you’d do the same for everything else like a meal, a computer or any other thing, with a difference: you’ll put them into your body. Inferior ingredients can be contaminated, improperly formulated, hard to digest, even harmful or not pure.

Look for brands that clearly show on the label third-party independent testing of their products.

Buy from companies that have a long record of success in the supplement industry. Low-quality supplements shouldn’t survive in the highly competitive supplement industry.

Be very suspicious of marketing labels: don’t fall for false, exaggerated claims. Do your own search / research and when using internet to validate scientific claims, be very aware of the source. Do claims come from a study funded by the company producing the supplement itself? Or are they truly independent? That’s ALL the difference.

Look for product descriptions that you can understand: if there’s true high quality, it doesn’t have to be hidden by leery descriptions. On the contrary!

Beware of private-label supplements. Because so many of them are made by pharmaceutical companies and then just relabeled into many, many different brands by distributors. Those are exactly the cases where quality is most probably lacking and where instead merely profit comes first, NOT your health.

Simple advices to follow. Great impact.

….Always humble,


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