Tuesday 22 December 2015


The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system that secretes hormones to regulate body functions such as burning fat for energy and maintaining proper blood lipid levels. But our daily very demanding routine, poor diet or unbalanced diet can interfere with normal endocrine functioning. The thyroid hormones, called T3 and T4, therefore play a very important role in metabolism and energy regulation. The correct balance of these two hormones is essential.
Otherwise there can be insufficient production of T4, decreased conversion of T4 into T3 (which is the most active), increased production of “reverse T3” that blocks normal thyroid function.

The point is that when our thyroid is functioning slowly the production of its hormones slows down as well and we have a so called “suboptimal thyroid function” (STF), which impairs tremendously our daily routine. Its effects are: unexplained fatigue, depression, weight gain, constantly feeling cold, dry skin. These symptoms are easily explained, wherefore the thyroid gland governs metabolic rate and these conditions reflect a reduced metabolism.

This disease is almost always overlooked by doctors and that’s why I am talking about it: to raise awareness. It always falls into the generic idea of simply feeling tired because of work, our job or family responsibilities. Or normal aging, or mild anxiety. Whereas, especially when aging, it could be very dangerously leading to cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.

It’s not enough to take care of the way we eat: STF can be treated only with supplements. In particular:

Ashwagandha that increases levels of the thyroid hormones, both T3 and T4

Guggul extract that enhances conversion of T4 to T3

Korean Ginseng that reduces the “reverse T3” which, again, blocks normal thyroid function

Plus iodine, tyrosine, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, sea kelp, hops, rosemary, bladderwrack, coleus and vitamin A.

Should your condition be a clinical one remember that coffee consumption within 30 minutes of thyroid hormone supplementations with medicinal blocks intestinal absorption of thyroid hormone. Also anti-acids, calcium and iron supplements taken within two hours of thyroid hormone can have a similar effect.

You might think this is a very secondary health problem regarding an extremely limited number of people, whereas let me give you this final hint: stress! Who is not stressed nowadays?! Well, stress is very dangerous because it suppress thyroid hormone by triggering cortisol secretion from your adrenal gland, which inhibit thyroid hormone production. This is the reason why after a prolonged period of stress we feel so exhausted. Are you still convinced this is not a health problem of yours?

….Always humble,


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