Tuesday 1 December 2015


First of all: what is detoxification? New growth, transformation and rejuvenation. The effort of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through all our organs, skin included, in order to obtain greater health, vitality and well being.

The first mistake is thinking that detoxification can begin in spring time, as the weather warms up, when the energy also rises. The second mistake, almost unavoidable, is to get intoxicated in first place. The third mistake is pondering how long the cleanse should last, if a few days, several weeks or even longer. My answer is: it should last 365 days a year!

Practically speaking, how can we detoxify? The good news is that our body is already doing it, every single day. But we must allow it to. By eating the right foods, which ideally should be only alkalizing foods. Bad news: a goal impossible to achieve if you eat meat. Sorry, the truth hurts.

Winter is the worst season because cold weather puts stress on our adrenal and thyroid glands which tends to make the blood more acidic, which can lead to joint pain and arthritis. That’s why usually spring is considered the season to start detoxification. Basic concept: avoid acidity, like hell! Remember it when you buy foods. Other main culprits of an acidic body are: poor digestion, lack of exercise, lower winter metabolic process and of course, as said, environmental pollution.

An increased process of detoxification allow us to achieve these goals: supporting the liver processes, eliminating  stored toxins, shedding excess weight, getting your circulation and energy moving better. So, we must eat organic first, no short cuts, because all the rest is heavily filled with pesticides. Plant-based proteins, no meat (eggs are allowed), plenty of fresh foods, plenty of fresh vegetables, plenty of pure water, herbal teas, green tea, possibly no animal fats. Needless to say no sugar, no alcohol, no processed foods, no cooked oils. It’s very difficult, I know. That’s the reason why we usually don’t follow these rules 365 days a year.

But we can simplify it. Laser-focus on “highly” alkaline foods: cucumber, kale, kelp, spinach, parsley, broccoli, sprouts, soy, sea veggies, all green drinks (my tip: try barley powder in a glass of water! Fantastic!). Do not forget “moderately” alkaline foods, anyway: avocado, peppers, collard greens, cabbage, celery, onion, radish, ginger, endive, garlic, arugula, tomato, butter beans, soybeans, green beans, beets, lettuce, lemon (YES, lemon), lime. More or less, all other vegetables have a “lower” alkalinity than previous ones, but all of them are alkaline anyway.

The more you eat highly alkaline, the more you can break (just a little bit) above rules.

How can you verify if the detoxification process has been successful? Nothing could be easier: improved mental clarity, emotional stability, balanced blood sugar, increased vital energy (do you have a partner?), greater strength, new warmth, flexibility, stamina. EVERYTHING: better!

Ideal timing: what are you waiting for, next spring?!   

….Always humble,


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