Sunday 27 March 2016

Vitamin A

I’m giving you a tip right away: be very careful with this vitamin. Supplementation in this case might do more harm than good. Besides, it’s very seldomly needed (e.g. alcoholics have low level of this vitamin, due to excess alcohol toxicity), like in case of repeated inadequate protein intake which is necessary for optimal absorption. So why talk about it? Because it’s key for good vision, a healthy immune system (essential for our lymphocytes that fight infections), a healthy respiratory/urinary/intestinal tract, neurological function, reducing inflammation, gene regulation and maintain/foster cell growth. It has many other benefits:  skin conditions treatments, measles, dry eye, cataracts, some cancers treatments, macular degeneration, glaucoma.

Unless you have digestive disorders or a very poor diet (vitamin A deficiency is a health problem in Africa and South-East Asia, which are low income countries), you shouldn’t need extra vitamin A (also known as retinol). It has only animal-derived food origin in its “direct” form (e.g. beef liver, tuna, eggs, milk, butter, fish liver oil, cream), or vegetable/fruit-derived origin in all its “indirect” forms, or “pro-vitamin A”: carotenoids (alpha, beta and gamma). Find it in carrots, mangos, spinach, cantaloupe melon, sweet potatoes, apricots, broccoli, kale, tomato, peach, papaya, pumpkin. Generally speaking in yellow/orange vegetables, provided they contain such carotenoids. Anyway consider it’s a fat-soluble vitamin and therefore needs to be consumed with fatty foods to be absorbed. Even better together with vitamin D.

It’s worth being a little bit more specific on its benefits, being so many:

Bones and teeth – dentin forms the hard layer of our teeth. Their strength is also ensured by this vitamin, which also helps in replacing old or worn out teeth tissue.

Urinary stones – or urinary calculi. Vit. A produces a mineral compound called calcium phosphate that prevents the formation of calculi (which cause pain, nausea and vomiting).

Generic cancers – as all other powerful antioxidants, also vitamin A fights oxidative stress, protecting us against plenty of health problems and cancer as well

Skin – same reasons: the antioxidant properties combat free radicals and oxidative stress, protecting the skin from within and from common dryness. Keratinization of the skin (becoming hard and dry), occurs only in case of vitamin deficiency, which can also worsen psoriasis.

Respiratory problems – because the body’s immune system is weakened by a lack of this vitamin (it can also cause growth retardation and increase infections in children). Respiratory problems are usually the first hit.

Eye health – when light shines on the retina, a signal is sent to the retina: vitamin A plays a key role in this vision process. It’s also very effective for dry eyes treatment. As effective as more expensive, specific prescriptions. It’s also included in all macular degeneration treatments.

Immune support – genes involved in our immune system are regulated by vit. A. So it’s not difficult to understand why it’s essential for fighting all serious diseases and illnesses. It not only prevents the germs from entering the body, but also helps to fight the infections once the germs are into the body. Much more important in helping the immunity of children, whose vulnerability to infections is higher.

Fighting inflammation – as all antioxidants it neutralizes free radicals, besides it prevent cells from becoming overactive (fundamental against autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases). E.g. food allergies are caused by an overreaction of our organism.

Cell growth regulation – needed in wound healing, skin re-growth, support of epithelial cells (external and internal). Increases the production of collagen and improves hair health too.

Specific cancer prevention – retinoic acid is fundamental in cell development, control of malignant cells and cell differentiation: consequently it’s effective in  suppression of lung, prostate, breast, ovarian, bladder oral and skin cancer.

Lower cholesterol – therefore protecting against risks of heart disease and stroke.

Final tip: supplement ONLY with beta-carotene, which is then converted into active vitamin A if needed by our body after the food is ingested. By doing so, supplementation is utterly safe.

….Always humble,


(For more health supplements and extras, kindly visit: What do you lack ? )

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Telomeres (following)

Here I am again on this topic: let’s finish talking about the telomere-friendly foods, as promised.

Eggs – known as an excellent source of high-quality proteins. But also a good source of selenium, riboflavin, vitamin B12, vitamin D, pantothenic acid, lutein together with zeaxanthin (both so important for our eyes) and choline (a neurotransmitter critical for brain function and health). Just one egg provides 23% of the daily dose of choline. Don’t worry about eggs being dangerous for our cardiovascular system. It’s utterly NOT true.

Tea – black, green and white teas. All of them with cancer inhibiting properties, in particular green tea which is one hundred times more antioxidant than vitamin C. All regular users of tea have a higher bone density.

Tomatoes – contain high levels of lycopene that reduces the risks of prostate and stomach cancers. Cook them, in order to make the lycopene more absorbable.

Meat – ONLY if organic, lean, not processed, not subjected to any drugs, chemicals, hormones and grass-fed meats. Provided these requisites, it’s a very good source of proteins, which are indispensable to keep longer telomeres. But it has to be absolutely pure, without anabolic substances, preservatives or any carcinogenic elements. I highlight: organic! Otherwise just avoid it! We’re genetically adapted to eat meat, it has a positive insulin/glucose response, quite easily digested (IF not  overcooked) and contains zinc, which helps to keep longer telomeres too. My personal note: I understand and like American culture, but using barbecue to cook it is the worst possible method. Ever. Because this method of cooking creates plenty of carcinogenic elements, especially on the surface of the meat. And focus on Bison meat: the best.

Beans – with proteins and complex carbohydrates (the perfect combination), calcium, B vitamins, potassium and magnesium, folic acid, iron. They contain both soluble and insoluble fibers, more than other plants (the soluble fiber helps to reduce cholesterol and normalize blood sugar).

Sea vegetables – also called seaweed. As sea vegetables don’t have roots like other vegetables, they must absorb all nutrients from the ocean water, becoming the richest source of minerals. Dark sea vegetables are particularly important because contain sodium alginate, which converts heavy metals present in our bodies into sea salt (look for arame, wakame, hijiki), then urinated. They also all contain iodine, which helps in weight loss. The most rich in proteins is the “nori” variety (very rich in vitamin K too, which keeps calcium into our bones and not in our blood). Instead of using salt, try using a powder of dried sea vegetables: much healthier and tastier. Even a seaweed salad is the perfect one on its own!

Cabbage – particularly interesting because it stimulates the immune system, kills bacteria and viruses (very helpful during the winter), has a wide variety of anticancer properties: e.g. just eating cabbage once a week inhibits colon cancer by 60%.  Stabilizes hormone levels. Moreover, if eaten raw it contains vitamin U, which protects against stomach ulcers.

Kale – which has even more medicinal qualities than cabbage. It protects against many cancer forms but also against heart diseases. It has a very high content of calcium, so high that just eating kale is enough to protect yourself against osteoporosis and arthritis.

These are some of the best foods to keep your telomeres healthier and longer. This post and the previous one were not meant to be dedicated to antioxidants in general (of course all very helpful to protect your telomeres), or to particular so-called superfoods (like goji e.g.). I’ll give more tips on general rules to be followed on our daily eating habits to preserve telomeres.

To be continued

(For more health supplements and extras, please kindly visit: What do you lack ? )

Friday 18 March 2016

Tobacco damage

We all know tobacco is dangerous. Ok…you’re right, let’s say very dangerous. But most of us think that negative health effects may begin within months of cigarette use: they actually begin after minutes. Remember this. Wherefore tobacco contains 7,000 chemicals, not 700 but thousands, including almost every possible chemicals and metals. Do I have to specify I’m talking about immediately poisoning ones? Have you ever heard about lead, formaldehyde, ammonia, toluene, arsenic…and on and on. Pick one! You might (wrongly) argue it’s a personal choice, whereas facts are that passive smoking (second-hand but even third-hand smoking) is as damaging as direct smoking.

We also know what the usual damages are, being more or less commented on TV and various newspapers: cancer, asthma, cardiovascular problems, liver and kidney disease (fibrosis of the glomeruli, cancer-inducing of kidney cells, poor function of filtration system), cholesterol (reduction in beneficial HDL levels), diabetes (doubling the risk), obesity, brain and bones damage, eye diseases (related or not to diabetes) atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, intestinal problems (peptic ulcer, gastro reflux disease, inflammatory bowel, diverticulitis, colonic polyps), raised blood pressure, reduced fertility, gum disease, ulcers of the digestive system, etc.

Is it useful to write about all possible damages? You should focus instead on quitting.

All forms of tobacco raise the risk of every known disease. Smoking is to blame for about 90% of lung cancers…90%! Moreover, how many of you are thinking about oxidant stress, related to inflammation and most of all DNA mutations caused by tobacco? Smoking directly stimulates new blood vessel growth to tumours, together with a loss of normal immune surveillance for malignant cells: double win for tumours!

In particular it damages the endothelial cells lining arterial walls, which are extremely sensitive to oxidant stress. Inflammation provoked by tobacco increments swelling that block arteries, also increasing the stickiness of platelets which then augments clot formation, thickening and stiffening of the arteries causing heart attack and strokes.       

How come smokers can’t stop? Because it’s a drug and they’re addicted. Nicotine is the addictive drug that causes “drug addicts” to continue to smoke. They need it to feel normal, to control their mood, to literally get on. How much nicotine a smoker needs determine how much smoke he's likely to inhale, no matter what type of cigarette he smokes. This is a very common mistake: being convinced of smoking light cigarettes. Most of all, other toxic compounds are immediately chemically active as well, profoundly changing the body functions: tobacco contains over 60 known cancer-causing chemicals. In particular: Tar – carbon monoxide – hydrogen cyanide – oxidizing chemicals – metals – radioactive compounds (yes, radioactive). Smoking harms almost every organ in the body and each single illness is more severe and longer-lasting.

My personal hint, should you be a smoker, is to assume massive doses of vitamin C, which is heavily depleted by tobacco. Forget about “pseudo-candies” containing 200/400 mg of ascorbic acid each: I’m talking about 2000/3000 mg per day. Buy it in powder, it’s cheaper and sold everywhere.

Remember the three poisons: sugar, alcohol, tobacco. All equally harmful, although in different ways. And of course, if you don’t think about yourselves, at least worry about second-hand smoking harming your children. As for all the rest, I’m certainly not here to write about moral, social/behavioural habits, character weaknesses or psychological implications. IF you’re strong enough, you’ll quit. IF you’re weak, you’ll blame others.

We are what we drink and eat. Let me also say we are what we breathe.

….Always humble,


(For more health supplements and extras, kindly visit: What do you lack ? )

Sunday 13 March 2016

Macular degeneration

Age related macular degeneration, also known as AMD. It defines the progressive and chronic disease of the macula (the pigmented area near the centre of the retina, at the back of the eye). Comparing the human eye to a camera, the macula would be the most sensitive central area of the film: the disease doesn’t affect the rest of the retina, but the vision will not be clear (anyway the most important central vision would be lost).
The common symptom is a blurred, or dark/distorted area near the centre of vision and can progress slowly or faster, but doesn’t lead to a total blindness. It’s most likely to occur after age 60, sometimes earlier and doesn’t necessarily affects both eyes. Consider that smoking doubles the risk. The macula is the key mechanism of our vision: it’s the part of the eye which allows us to see in detail all the common everyday activity. If it deteriorates, can even lead to the complete loss of central vision: i.d. looking at a person you’ll be able to see laterally but not the face.
This risk can be significantly reduced using three natural supplements: lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin. These are the only carotenoids present in the macula in a very high concentration and giving its distinctive yellow colour. All other hundreds different carotenoids are not present. What’s the main function of these carotenoids, besides of course being powerful antioxidants? They are natural sunglasses for the eyes, protecting the macula from the sun. As a highly specific antioxidant supplement, also add astaxanthin.
There are two categories of macular degeneration: dry and wet. Dry macula (so called because there is no leakage from surrounding blood vessels) affects 90% of people, as it gets thinner and loses elasticity doesn’t transmit anymore images to the brain. In wet macula the new blood vessels under the retina have the tendency to break and leak into the retina AND the macula (in this case there is leakage): scar tissues is then formed and consequent damage of retinal cells.  

Another important benefit of using those three carotenoids is that you simultaneously combat cataracts, a completely different disease caused by the clouding of the lens of the eye. The “early” and “intermediate” stages usually start without symptoms. Besides, not everyone with early AMD will develop late AMD. Earlier it can be detected only with a comprehensive dilated eye exam – visual acuity test – Amsler grid – fluorescent angiogram – optical coherence tomography: you may ask your doctor. However, having late AMD in one eye means you are at increased risk for late AMD in your other eye. Please note the differences between early and late stages.
As for prevention, AMD occurs less often in people who exercise, avoid smoking, protect their eyes from ultraviolet light, eat foods like fish and green leafy vegetables. Consider also fish oil supplement together with vitamin C, vitamin E, copper and zinc. I don’t have to remind you that supplements are not a cure in case of confirmed diseases, nevertheless they’re benefitting enormously. While in case of advanced AMD only injections of specific drugs into the eye remain as a remedy, together with photodynamic therapy and laser surgery.
Risk factors also include: genetics (people with a family history of AMD are at a higher risk) and race (Caucasians are more likely to develop the disease than African-Americans or Hispanics/Latinos).
My personal hint: I STRONGLY recommend eating goji berries.
….Always humble,

(For more health supplements and extras, kindly visit: What do you lack ? )

Sunday 6 March 2016


It describes the damage and obstruction to the linings of the arteries, impeding the normal, regular blood flow. Such obstruction is caused by the formation of plaques, which early on in the process of formation are soft and then get harder but stable. The problem is that over time they get weaker, unstable, posing a major risk of rupturing. To be precise is the fibrous cap over the plaque itself which might begin to thin and weaken, consequently becoming more vulnerable to rupturing. All this progress is sadly unavoidable because atherosclerosis plaques are now known to start in early life (believe it or not even before the teen years): reducing blood lipids, stop smoking, reducing stress, having no diabetes, no abdominal obesity, eating more fruits and vegetables, reducing alcohol intake, adopting a healthy diet and exercise more are not enough to prevent worsening of this disease. Consider that it usually causes no symptoms until middle or older age. It might be easier to ask: who doesn’t get atherosclerosis? Nobody. Even today, a vast number of asymptomatic young people have evidence of it. Luckily, better lifestyles and improved treatments have reduced the noticeable symptoms. 

In details atherosclerosis is the thickening and narrowing of our arteries caused by high levels of cholesterol and inflammation. Surplus fat attracts inflammatory cells that ingest and store such fats in excess, forming the so called “fatty streaks” which then deposit on our arteries. And so, slowly, the arterial plaque begins to take shape, accumulation after accumulation. The real problem rises when the accumulation is excessive, leading firstly to arterial blockage and then even to a possible rupture (cause of heart attacks and brain strokes, with the potential for permanent brain’s damage). Consequently there are two possible lines of defence: slow the progression of early fatty deposits and stabilize the plaques already formed.

You can use Pycnogenol for the first kind of defence and Centella asiatica to stabilize those plaques, as a second kind of defence. There are of course many other supplements to fight cholesterol (such as garlic) and, useless to say, eating only healthy fatty lipids in first place. But fighting cholesterol from the very beginning doesn’t prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques: this must be crystal clear. Sorry. Also aspirin helps prevent clots from forming: ask your doctor before starting daily aspirin because it can have very serious side effects. Let’s stick therefore to natural remedies.

Pycnogenol stimulates a vital enzyme called endothelial nitric oxide synthase, which produces nitric oxide that in turn relax and open up arteries. This action mimics what happens in human arteries when blood flow is reduced, preventing the constriction of the blood vessels. Besides it reduces the risk of blood clots decreasing platelet aggregation and stickiness. Those actions combined slow plaque progression. It’s an extract from the French maritime pine, Pinus pinaster.

Centella asiatica stabilizes plaque lesions, thickening their caps and reducing their vulnerability to rupture, increasing the formation of collagen which helps reinforcing such plaques (it must be said that also ascorbic acid stimulates the production of collagen). From a strict technical point of view its active components are the triterpenoid molecules, which basically help wound healing. Centella asiatica is an Asian aquatic plant, long known in traditional medicine.

These two natural remedies, COMBINED, help to prevent and reduce atherosclerotic progression. My personal hint is not to wait for the evident symptoms, wherefore all of us already have this devious disease.

….Always humble,


(For more health supplements and extras, kindly visit: What do you lack ?)

Sunday 28 February 2016


It’s a nutrient-rich biomass-phytocomplex/resin-mineral/herb deposit, found mostly in the Himalayas and possess the ability to carry nutrition into our body. Its Indian word means “rock-invincible” and was renowned for its remarkable health benefits. As a matter of fact it’s a rock-like substance when dried,  and is found in mountainous regions in Asia. In Ayurveda, it’s regarded as the strongest age fighting and rejuvenating component of the earth.

This material has great detoxification and energy producing benefits. So it can be used with any other kind of supplement to enhance potency and efficacy. It has of course properties of its own: restore energy, increase fertility, enhance immunity, reduce inflammation, improve cognitive decline and memory. Besides being an adaptogen (a substance that helps the body adapt to stressors), if you prefer a natural stress-fighting. It’s a sticky, tar-like resin and takes thousands of years to form.

Here are the facts: it’s consumed in Nepal (best quality), Northern India and Pakistan, in various forms. ALL people using it are renowned for extremely old age and great health: they have remarkable mental function as they age compared to Western countries and rarely have age-related disease in these regions. Think that Sherpan regions are located right in those areas, not by accident! It actually formed millions of years ago in the Australian mountains as well, although that quality is lower (anyway it must be said there are no official classifications). It contains 85 minerals. Most of them contain 60-80% fulvic acid. The greater the content of fulvic acid, the more anti-aging properties the compound contains. Fulvic acid is water soluble, moves through our system very quickly and acts as a very powerful antioxidant, more than noni or blueberries (ORAC reference: almost 500 Trolox units/g of organic material).

How does it work exactly? Shilajit restores the production of the body primary source of energy: ATP (adenosine triphosphate), our usable energy which is formed when mitochondria convert energy from the food we eat. Mitochondria are organelles responsible for such conversion of food into chemical energy. They are our power plants, which gradually function less efficiently with time, working harder and harder to produce the same amount of energy our body needs. Deteriorating, they lead to a decrease in vitality (less production of ATP). Our bodies face an energy crisis as we age: Shilajit helps by enhancing mitochondrial health with an administration of nutrients (that boost ATP production and reduces mitochondrial damage). Aging mitochondria and low energy are associated with accelerated aging of the brain and heart mainly, plus all other organs.

Mitochondrial aging deteriorates our nervous system. Its low energy production is both a cause and a consequence of memory loss and neurodegenerative diseases. One of the main substances in shilajit, the fulvic acid, appears to inhibits the evolution of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Other nutritive substances are triterpenes and humic acid. It might not be a cure for all weaknesses from skin problems to aging problems, as stated in many websites, but is certainly recommended by everyone who personally tried it.

….Always humble,


(For more health supplements and extras, kindly visit: What do you lack?   )

Sunday 21 February 2016

The benefits of garlic

It’s native to Central Asia and has been grown for 5000 years. Garlic is a member of the Lily family and is cousin to onions, leeks and chives. Elephant garlic though has larger cloves and is more related to the leek, therefore doesn’t offer the full health benefits of the regular size one. Generally speaking size is not related at all to better quality.

Natural remedies and natural therapies are always the best way to cure a disease, unless of course it’s already so advanced that requires a medical intervention. Therefore the sooner you start using natural remedies, the better.

One powerful remedy is certainly garlic. There are literally dozens of sulphur molecules in garlic and all of them have been shown to function as antioxidant. Many also provide us with anti-inflammatory benefits. Its antibacterial content is identified as allicin, the most abundant organosulfurous compound. Its antioxidant capacity is mostly due to polyphenolic compounds. Its antimicrobial and antifungal activity as well is related to the high level of polyphenols content.

Its sulphur-containing compounds are responsible for garlic’s characteristic, pungent odour.  But they are also the source of many of its health-promoting effects. Sulphur itself is also a key part of our health. Cardiovascular benefits of garlic are: lowering of cholesterol level, triglyceride reduction, blood vessels protection from inflammatory and oxidative stress. A very unique cardiovascular protection of garlic is to help prevent clots from forming inside of our blood vessels, thanks to one particular disulphide present in it, called ajoene. Ajoene has repeatedly been shown to have anti-clotting properties: it can help prevent certain cells in our blood (called platelets) from becoming too sticky and by keeping this stickiness in check, it lowers the risk of our platelets clumping together and forming a clot.

Sulphur-containing molecules are called polysulphides: once they are in our blood cells, control our blood pressure by triggering dilation of our blood vessels. And when the space inside our blood vessels expands, our blood pressure get reduced.

Preliminary studies are showing that thanks to a sulphur compound present in garlic, fat cells cannot become fully themselves from a preliminary stage called “preadipocytes”, to a final stage called “adipocytes”. This conversion of preadipocytes to adipocytes appears to be blocked: it’s particularly important because once adipocytes are fully formed, they can only reduce their size but will never disappear again (meaning it will be much easier to regain weight after a diet). Women will be interested to know that ajoene has also been successfully used to help prevent infections with the yeast Candida albicans. Let’s not forget that garlic has important anti-cancer properties. High intake of garlic have been found to lower risk of virtually all cancer types, except cancer of the prostate and breast cancer (sorry).

In order to obtain maximum flavour and nutritional benefits, always purchase only fresh garlic. Any other form (flake, powder, paste) has less health properties. It must also be plump and have unbroken skin. Avoid garlic that is soft or moldy. It’s absolutely not necessary to freeze or refrigerate it for proper storage.

….Always humble,


(For more health supplements and extras, kindly visit: What do you lack? )

Saturday 13 February 2016

Aging of immune system

Young people have a vigorous immune system that constantly check and fight potential diseases. Wherefore as we age past 60 years a marked decline in our immune system affects all the relative functions. It’s an accelerated aging also known as immune senescence, causing the lost of the ability to defend against cancers and infections, because of more and more failing immune cells. We all have three barriers against cancers, bacteria, viruses and infections, which are heavily affected by our natural aging:

Reduction of bone morrow production (the main fabric of our immune cells), which stops making fresh immune system cells, in terms of size and composition. Such reduction in stem cells activity leaves us with reduced numbers of ALL the circulating cell lines. 

Reduction in potency of immune cells (because they’ve lost the ability to constantly, perfectly, totally renovate): the remaining ones are always strained. Such cells are important because prevent serious infections, keeping a constant patrol out for emerging cancers and boosting immunity after a vaccine.

Reduction in the production of cytokines (protein molecules secreted by cells in order to fix the immune system, notifying their various components of a need for attack or cleaning up an infection or repair damaged tissue, etc.), less effective in regulating excessive inflammation (therefore leading to destruction of neurons, joints and endothelium, increased frailty, more exposure to infections).

The good news is that we can partially intervene to reverse the process in favour of each of the above three barriers of defence. Of course you already know a wide variety of supplements, vitamins and minerals to help. But consider these three in particular: Pu-erh tea, Reishi mushrooms and Cistanche. All of them with a milleniums-old history of improving health and longevity. In details:

Pu-erh Tea Extract – derived from fermented, ripened leaves of Camellia sinensis. It stimulates bone marrow activity and enhance the constituents of the circulating immune cells. It also lowers inflammatory levels of cytokines. It’s distinguished from other types of teas by the degree of fermentation, because is a post-fermented tea. Or a ripened tea, if you like. This natural microbial fermentation enhances the availability of beneficial molecules.

Reishi mushroom extract - has a very broad-spectrum immune system coverage, e.g. protecting against herpes simplex, influenza viruses, hepatitis B virus, cancer and even HIV. Thanks to an increased circulation of white blood cells while enhancing antibody-producing cells, stimulating activity of cells that devour bacteria and guide them to their targets.  

Cistanche – is a desert plant commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its extracts have the same benefits of Pu-erh tea and Reishi mushroom: boosting the numbers of circulating white blood cells (such as macrophages) and increasing T cells (which are involved in recognizing new threats and remembering old threats to our health). It stimulates production of bone marrow as well.

Growing older is associated with more health threats, but nowadays more than ever we have increasing powerful weapons to partially reverse the aging immune senescence.     

….Always humble,


(For more supplements and extras, please kindly visit: What do you lack?)

Saturday 6 February 2016

Telomeres (following)

As promised I’m now going to write about the most telomere-friendly foods, dividing them more or less in half, being in total twenty. Ready? Here we go:

Blueberries - One of the best source of antioxidants. They improve blood flow (benefitting your brain and your heart), fight cholesterol (containing pterostilbene), memory loss and diabetes. A mere half-cup serving has as much antioxidant power as five servings of other fruits and vegetables.

Grapefruit - In particular red grapefruit significantly decreases cholesterol and fight heart disease. It enhances every other health properties of different fruits if eaten together: even accelerating the effects of some prescription drugs. So check with your doctor. This is a very powerful fruit. 

Almonds – A true superfood. A fantastic source of protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc. High in vitamin E and monounsaturated fats to keep your arteries supple.

Apples – They contain quercetin (I dedicated a whole post to this), which prevents oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol lowering the risk of damage to arteries and the risk of heart disease. They also contain pectin, also lowering the levels of blood cholesterol.

Avocados – The best fruit for a healthy heart. Rich in monounsaturated fats, fiber, vitamin E, folic acid and potassium. Most of all the first source of beta-sitosterol (reducing cholesterol) and lutein (an antioxidant that prevents cataracts and prostate cancer).

Beets – With high levels of carotenoids and flavonoids, they reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and one of the richest sources of folic acid. The silica helps the body utilize calcium reducing the risk of osteoporosis. They also have cleansing and detoxifying properties.

Broccoli – In this vegetable there are two powerful anticancer substances: sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol. Sulforaphane destroys ingested carcinogenic compounds and kills the bacteria helicobacter pylori which cause stomach ulcers and gastric cancers. Indole-3-carbinol metabolizes estrogen, protecting against breast cancer. It’s also a good source of beta-carotene and potassium.

Sweet potatoes – A sweet potato is a meal in itself: full of protein, fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin E. Unlike white potatoes they won’t send your blood sugar soaring.

Garlic – Most probably the cancer fighting number one. It has the ability to prevent development of cancers of the breast, colon, skin, prostate, stomach and oesophagus. It stimulates the immune system by encouraging the growth of natural killer cells. It’s also able to destroy the newer super bugs that are resistant to the most powerful antibiotics.

Olive oil – Full of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. It doesn’t even need to be presented: the secret of the Mediterranean diet itself.

Oranges – Its main flavonoid is hesperetin, which lower rates of heart disease. Hesperetin helps protect against inflammation as well. Oranges are a rich source  of pectin, which lowers cholesterol, and potassium which reduces blood pressure. They are also a rich source of folic acid, which lowers levels of homocysteine.

Wild salmon – It provides an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Here’s the main benefit: high levels of omega-3s have been correlated with telomeres length. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE USE OF FISH OIL SUPPLEMENTS.

There are more telomere-friendly foods. I’ll surely talk about them in a future post. I hope you’re liking all the posts I’m dedicating to this particular topic. You can find them all in the “Telomeres” section.

….Always humble,


(To be followed)

(For more supplements and extras, please kindly visit: What do you lack?)

Saturday 30 January 2016


While most people think of avocado as simply the main ingredient in guacamole, it’s instead a superfood. Literally. Rich in good fatty acids, fiber, folate, glutathione (an extremely powerful antioxidant with the ability to bind with cellular mutagens, i.e. anticancer), phytosterols, flavonoids (abundantly), multivitamins (among which vit. K), multiminerals (among which boron) and carotenoids. The best fruit for a healthy heart: rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, folic acid and potassium. Most of all the first source naturally available of beta-sitosterol (reducing cholesterol) and lutein (an antioxidant that prevents cataracts and prostate cancer).

It fact this creamy fruit is packed with a spectacular range of carotenoids, ranging from alpha-carotene to zeaxanthin and the optimal absorption of them is provided by dietary good fats found in it. The combination of avocado’s rich content of carotenoids, fatty acids and other nutrients promote joint, eye and skin health. Helping to prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and obesity.

The rich content of lutein and zeaxanthin in particular is responsible for joint and eye health. The phytochemicals contained in this super fruit induce cell cycle arrest, inhibit growth and cause apoptosis (death) in both precancerous and cancer cells.

Go crazy, spread it on bread at breakfast instead of butter or something else: if eaten together with any other foods enhances tremendously the absorption of all the nutrients. I eat it each single day. It’s a MUST. Use it on your salads instead of any other kinds of oils. 

More than all the above multi-benefits, what could we possibly ask to a fruit? Eat it only when the peel has turned very dark. Possibly (it might sound strange) eat even the peel itself, because many minerals and vitamins are concentrated right there: this is a general rule valid for all fruits and vegetables. As a matter of fact, e.g. I personally eat organic lemons together with their peel (yes, you read it correctly). Let’s not forget it’s delicious and can be combined with ANY kind of food. By the way: avocados combined with lemons are just perfect!

……Always humble,


(For more supplements and extra, please kindly visit: What do you lack?

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Vitamin D

Our body converts sunlight into 25-hydroxyvitaminD, made in the skin. Maintaining an adequate level is absolutely essential, as low levels cause an accelerated decline in working memory, reasoning, task flexibility, problem solving and planning, higher risks of cancer, vascular disease and chronic inflammation. And of course loss of bone density.

But why should we supplement? Isn’t sunlight enough? No, wherefore to benefit from the lifesaving effects of this vitamin its blood levels must/should be maintained on a constant basis/level. As a matter of fact those who maintain optimal vitamin D levels will likely decrease their stroke risk, reducing the odds of permanent disability in the event of such a stroke. In countries with colder climates there are higher rates of vitamin D deficiency due to the lack of sun, increasing the chance of having an immune system related illness. Also an increased risk of multiple sclerosis is statistically associated to the same geographical data. So, what are the optimal levels? In the range of 50 to 80 ng/ml, which can be verified only with blood tests.

The typical dose range you have to look for supplementation is 0,5 to 1,000 IU, to be taken daily with a meal for better absorption, anyway never on an empty stomach. ALWAYS choose vit. D in its D3 form, being better tapped by our organism. In spite of the name, vitamin D is considered a pro-hormone and not actually a vitamin (but I will file this post among “vitamins”). This is because the body is capable of producing its own vitamin D through the action of sunlight on the skin, while vitamins are nutrients that cannot be synthesized by the body and must be acquired through the diet or supplements.

It is estimated that sensible sun exposure on bare skin for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times per week allows the body the ability to produce sufficient vitamin D, but vitamin D has a half-life of only two weeks, meaning that stores can run low, especially in winter, as said above. Recent studies have suggested that up to 50% of adults and children worldwide are vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D is produced when sunlight converts cholesterol on the skin into calciol (vitamin D3). Vitamin D3 is then converted into calcidiol (25-hydroxyvitamin D3) in the liver. The kidneys then convert calcidiol into the active form of vitamin D, called calcitriol (1,25-hydroxyvitamin D3). This is another reason why this specific form must be specified on the supplement you’re going to buy. My final hint is to take this vitamin with magnesium an calcium together. 
….Always humble,


Wednesday 13 January 2016


A certainly very famous berry, the Tibetan Lycium berry is called “Goji”. It grows in remote unpolluted hills and valleys of Tibet and Mongolia, in soil so rich in nutrients that they are full of vitality, even when dried. Fine modulo
It was traditionally used in the Tibetan/Mongolian culture for centuries. The geographic area of this ancient culture included Bhutan, all of Mongolia and a portion of China. It was used as a food because of its neutral energic nature (neither cold or hot) and consequently used in traditional medicines for the same reason, in a broad spectrum of Tibetan medical formulas. This was and still is the only original berry.
Now, the point is that recently, beginning around 1996, the name “Goji” was borrowed and used to market another similar but far less nourishing lycium berry: the Chinese “wolfberry”. That caused market confusion and still remains a marketing error today. In my humble view Chinese producers wanted to market in this way willingly and things will NOT change. So my hint is: be very careful what kind of berry you’re buying! Not everybody is aware of this distinction. Of course local harvesters are very careful to distinguish the Tibetan Lycium variety “Goji” berry from its distantly related offspring, the Chinese “Wolfberry” also called “ Lycium barbarum” (remember this name for a correct distinction when buying), pointing out that its nutrient makeup and energetic qualities differ as do the regions and conditions within which these two different Lycium berries are growing.

Remember also “The Tibetan Goji Berry Company”, which is proud to continue to be a quality presence and Goji supplier for over thirty years with quality control that you most probably immediately recognize, if you’re lucky enough to found it around. Straight to the point of what interest you: are Goji berries for a grater health? Useless to ask. Among the many health benefits there are:

Weight loss – a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 2011 indicates that goji berries support weight loss efforts.

Immune system – a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2009 states that those given goji berries showed a great improvement in several markers of immune function. Specifically: lymphocytes, interleukin 2, immunoglobulin. They have a peculiar and unique bioactive polysaccharide (LBP), which is a key marker for building immune response. What’s more, they all experienced great improvements in fatigue, sleep quality, memory and focus.

Eyesight – Goji berries are a source of zeaxanthin, an antioxidant that protect the eyes from high-energy light waves such as the sun’s ultraviolet rays (along with the carotenoid lutein). Zeaxanthin and lutein are associated with better vision and decreased likelihood of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

They also possess many other health benefits: protect the liver, support kidney function, increase metabolic activity, burn fat and aid digestion, improve circulation, support distribution of nutrients and quality energy levels, promote longevity (bringing life support to the blood and all internal organs), boost libido and energy, prevent growth of cancer cells, reduce blood glucose, lower cholesterol levels.

It must be said that goji berries may interact with certain kinds of medicines, such as blood thinners, blood pressure drugs and diabetes medications. But only if you overuse the berries. You can eat them with everything you want, in any way you want, but in order to preserve the nutrients preferably only raw. I personally eat them twice a day before lunch and before dinner.

My final hint is this: be aware of these two other names: “gou qi zi” and “fructus lycii”, also sometimes used to sell goji berries. Remember, again, that the best ones are ONLY: “Tibetan Lycium”.

….Always humble,


Tuesday 5 January 2016

Digestive enzymes

To digest the food we eat, we need powerful enzymes that break it down in order to extract vital nutrients: each of the three major food groups (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) must be broken down by specific enzymes before being absorbed by cells in the digestive tract. The problem is that with age the production of these enzymes begins to decline and amounts of the three major food groups pass undigested causing bloating, gas and most importantly malnutrition in older people. Which results in  lost appetite and declining of muscles. And it’s also exacerbated by a lack of probiotics.

In general, even in young people, after-meal abdominal symptoms often represent poor digestion of complex foods, causing one to be unable to fully absorb nutrients needed for an optimal health. The proper combinations of all foods is consequently very important wherefore different enzymes works in different ways: e.g. proteins should never be eaten with carbs, such as pasta + meat. I’ll write about these food combinations in future posts.

A natural solution to declining levels of digestive enzymes is to supplement with them to break down all major classes of food: starch, proteins, fats, cellulose and milk. Correspondingly:

Amylase, used to break down starch

Protease, to break down proteins

Lipase, to break down fats

Cellulase, to break down cellulose

Lactase, to break down lactose

More in details: a deficiency in amylase enzymes causes undigested carbs and starches molecules to pass into the colon where they are not digested anymore by enzymes but by gut organisms, literally fermenting them to produce carbon dioxide that leads to flatulence.

Proteins are digested by protease enzymes which, if not digested, in the colon produce bad smelling and toxic molecules. Besides, undigested proteins are associated with colon cancer.

Fats are digested by lipase enzymes. A lack in lipases leaves long-chain fats undigested which cannot be absorbed anywhere else and consequently just pass through producing greasy stools and cramping.

Cellulose enzymes break down indigestible dietary fiber essential to feed our colon organisms: we could say that prebiotics feed probiotics (read my previous post on them). The two are totally correlated because another cause of digestive malfunction occurs when microbial populations become imbalanced. Ergo it’s compulsory to properly feed our communities of bacteria living in our intestine.

And lactases break down milk sugar. If there is a deficiency in these enzymes lactose intolerance will manifest, causing abdominal cramps, flatulence and bloating.

Above all, I highlight again that a lack of those enzymes obviously causes malnutrition because vital nutrients cannot be absorbed by our body, with all the consequences you can well imagine. I want to repeat my final hint, already given when I posted twice about probiotics: look for supplements with dual-coating AND acid-resistant characteristics. Otherwise you’re merely wasting money.

….Always humble,
