Sunday 6 March 2016


It describes the damage and obstruction to the linings of the arteries, impeding the normal, regular blood flow. Such obstruction is caused by the formation of plaques, which early on in the process of formation are soft and then get harder but stable. The problem is that over time they get weaker, unstable, posing a major risk of rupturing. To be precise is the fibrous cap over the plaque itself which might begin to thin and weaken, consequently becoming more vulnerable to rupturing. All this progress is sadly unavoidable because atherosclerosis plaques are now known to start in early life (believe it or not even before the teen years): reducing blood lipids, stop smoking, reducing stress, having no diabetes, no abdominal obesity, eating more fruits and vegetables, reducing alcohol intake, adopting a healthy diet and exercise more are not enough to prevent worsening of this disease. Consider that it usually causes no symptoms until middle or older age. It might be easier to ask: who doesn’t get atherosclerosis? Nobody. Even today, a vast number of asymptomatic young people have evidence of it. Luckily, better lifestyles and improved treatments have reduced the noticeable symptoms. 

In details atherosclerosis is the thickening and narrowing of our arteries caused by high levels of cholesterol and inflammation. Surplus fat attracts inflammatory cells that ingest and store such fats in excess, forming the so called “fatty streaks” which then deposit on our arteries. And so, slowly, the arterial plaque begins to take shape, accumulation after accumulation. The real problem rises when the accumulation is excessive, leading firstly to arterial blockage and then even to a possible rupture (cause of heart attacks and brain strokes, with the potential for permanent brain’s damage). Consequently there are two possible lines of defence: slow the progression of early fatty deposits and stabilize the plaques already formed.

You can use Pycnogenol for the first kind of defence and Centella asiatica to stabilize those plaques, as a second kind of defence. There are of course many other supplements to fight cholesterol (such as garlic) and, useless to say, eating only healthy fatty lipids in first place. But fighting cholesterol from the very beginning doesn’t prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques: this must be crystal clear. Sorry. Also aspirin helps prevent clots from forming: ask your doctor before starting daily aspirin because it can have very serious side effects. Let’s stick therefore to natural remedies.

Pycnogenol stimulates a vital enzyme called endothelial nitric oxide synthase, which produces nitric oxide that in turn relax and open up arteries. This action mimics what happens in human arteries when blood flow is reduced, preventing the constriction of the blood vessels. Besides it reduces the risk of blood clots decreasing platelet aggregation and stickiness. Those actions combined slow plaque progression. It’s an extract from the French maritime pine, Pinus pinaster.

Centella asiatica stabilizes plaque lesions, thickening their caps and reducing their vulnerability to rupture, increasing the formation of collagen which helps reinforcing such plaques (it must be said that also ascorbic acid stimulates the production of collagen). From a strict technical point of view its active components are the triterpenoid molecules, which basically help wound healing. Centella asiatica is an Asian aquatic plant, long known in traditional medicine.

These two natural remedies, COMBINED, help to prevent and reduce atherosclerotic progression. My personal hint is not to wait for the evident symptoms, wherefore all of us already have this devious disease.

….Always humble,


(For more health supplements and extras, kindly visit: What do you lack ?)

1 comment:

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