Thursday 12 November 2015


The notion that we must die is a common one.

It’s not like that: we die of cumulative failures within our cellular machinery. Failures should / will be evitable breakdowns, reversible elements of aging. When do these failures happen, among many other reasons? When the energy needed to our cells for repairs is lacking.

AMPK stands for “adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase”.

It is found in every living cell in mammals. If you want to avoid the symptoms of aging you need it because every cell depends on a steady supply of energy, regulated by releasing the energy available stored in fats and sugars.

This enzyme manages the energy from food to power cellular activity in a regular way: too little energy starves the cells, too much can exhaust them. When energy inefficiency occurs, we identify the dysfunctions as diseases or symptoms. This process is perfect when we’re young: rapid, efficient release of energy with little storage as fat or sugar molecules.

AMPK activity fades with age, but can be activated again and boosted through exercise and / or calorie restriction: one more reason it’s very bad to be fat!

To understand aging we have to understand it’s not the automatic result of time passing, but how we age. Boosting AMPK activity is only one part of what should be a systemic anti-aging approach.

Supplements will help you to keep this vitally important enzyme active.

Search for: Gynostemma Pentaphyllum and Trans-Tiliroside.

Hoping of giving useful hints.

….Always humble,


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