Saturday 7 November 2015

Marijuana (marihuana)

I already know what you’re thinking. Yes or no? It’s as simple as that.

The direction appears to be in favour of a legalization. Gradually.

Canada, America and Mexico are already changing some laws.
“Changing” consequently the question: will you accept them or not? Do you accept consumption of tobacco and alcohol? Then you should also know that marijuana is far less harmful and when it’s illegally sold help to fuel drug-related crimes. How many people already drink and smoke?
Be honest to yourself: don’t you drink a couple of beers in a night out?

I would be more afraid of granting a monopoly over the growing and sale of legal pot to a limited number of investors. Nobody would gain from that, although I’m afraid it’ll end up likewise.

Support for making weed legal is increasing around the world, provided the proper limits of quantity and legal age are in place. Instead of spending billions on imprisoning people for violating disputable laws, those money could / should be better spent for fighting against cultivation and distribution of real, truly dangerous drugs.
Laws on banning the growing and possession of marijuana have caused much, much more damage to society than the little harmful usage itself.

You should keep that crystal clear in mind before deciding where you stand.

….Always humble,


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